Talking about money can be challenging, but it's much easier when you can prepare and enjoy a delicious meal together. So we invite you to pull up a seat, pour yourself a beverage and join us as we put amazing food and Money on the Table.

Season 1

Episode 1: Why is Money Taboo?

In episode 1 of Money on the Table, we share our thoughts on why talking about money is taboo, especially in the Black community. It’s a touchy subject that’s only made easier by enjoying a delicious homemade southern classic, Shrimp and Grits.

Episode 2: Being Black in Corporate America

In the 2nd episode of Money on the Table, we share our experience of coping with racism in corporate America and how it's influenced our decision to pursue financial independence. During our talk we touch on the moment we're in [summer 2020], social uproar, police brutality, workplace politics and the role of Black women today as leaders in society. For dinner, we enjoy steamed mussels with leeks, a tomato bruschetta, charcuterie and grilled french bread.

Episode 3: Talking to Mom About Money

In episode 3 of Money on the Table, Julien and Kiersten are joined by Julien’s Mom [Sybil]. We learn about her childhood growing up in Jamaica, her experience as an immigrant coming to the US and the role money played in her life. For dinner, we make a grilled jerk yellowtail snapper. We attempted to roast and fry some breadfruit but in typical Mom fashion, it didn’t meet her standards.

Episode 4: Why are Kids so EXPENSIVE?

In episode 4 of Money on the Table we discuss parenting and how having a child completely changed our perspective on life and work.  We talk about the cost of having a child and how we deal with the pressures of not over-spending on him.

For dinner, we enjoy one of our favorite Italian meals, orecchiette, broccoli rabe, and Italian sausage. It's a savory and hearty dish that allows us to still enjoy Italian food without the same old traditional tomato sauce.

Episode 5: On Investing and Entrepreneurship

In episode 5 of Money on the Table, we discuss our approach to investing, why we prefer index funds and our journey to entrepreneurship.  During the conversation, we share some of our earliest experiences investing, dealing with financial advisors and individual stock picking.

For dinner, we prepare a coffee spice- rubbed ribeye steak and a simple sweet potato hash.

Episode 6: On the FIRE Movement

In the season 1 finale of Money on the Table, we revisit how we found FIRE, define what it means to us and explore where we see the movement going in the next five years. For dinner, we prepared our favorite meal-homemade pizza.